Top Wine Producing Countries of the World

Chart of Top Wine Producing Countries by Percentage of Total World Wine Production by Volume in 2016 - France and Spain Are the Top Three Producers

Illustrative pie chart entitled “Top Wine Producing Countries by Percentage of Total World Wine Production by Volume. Source Data: OIV State of the Vitiviniculture World Market, April 2017 (2016 Forecasted Data)”. Chart is multicolored and shows the percentages by country as follows (all numbers are percentages): Italy (19); France (16); Spain (14.7); United States (8.9); Australia (4.8); China (4.2); South Africa (3.9); Chile (3.7); Argentina (3.5); Germany (3.3); Portugal (2.2); and Other Countries (15.8).

We're the Velasco sisters, co-founders of Sweet and Sabroso, a new food and wine blog inspired by our Spanish-Cuban heritage, love of food and wine and all things sweet and savory. Thank you for visiting, and we look forward to seeing you again soon!

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